“[Verse Chorus Curse] showcases a love for both noise and melody.”
—Noise Boston (read more reviews)
Verse Chorus Curse is our first EP, recorded in Tom’s basement rehearsal space in the summer of 2010 and released in January, 2011. Tom does not claim to be a great recordist. He takes pride in “This Broken Place” and “Another Big Mistake” (the quiet songs) and admits the rock songs are a little hairy… but maybe in like a charming way? Tom played banjo and bass and Jon Wynn played lap steel on “Another Big Mistake.” The EP was mastered by a plugin preset called “Multiband Compressor.”
1. The Headliner (music video)
2. Cost/Benefit
3. This Broken Place (music video)
4. Reducer (music video)
5. Post-Encore
6. Rewound (rehearsal)
7. Another Big Mistake (music video)
Purchase CD or download/listen on Bandcamp | Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube | Amazon Music | Pandora | discogs
Music: The Demographic / Lyrics: Tom Pappalardo (Object Recording, ASCAP)

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